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Reference FCO 82/170
Department/Office Foreign Office
Title Presidential Elections of 1972 in United States (1972)
Description Summaries of Senator McGovern's proposed defence policies on the Soviet Union, SALT and Strategic forces including MIRV as well as NATO and US forces within Europe, the US contribution in Asia post-Vietnam and US Naval forces. A summary of McGovern's taxation proposals is also included. Report on the US primaries. Included is a chart of convention votes for both the Democratic and Republican Party. Biography of Republican Congressman John Anderson and his view that the election will not be a pushover for Nixon who he believes will have to fight hard to beat McGovern.
Date 1972
Collection The Nixon Years, 1969-1974
Region North America
Countries Vietnam, Soviet Union, United States
Places Africa; Alaska; Asia; Australia; Cambodia; Caribbean; China; Egypt; Europe; Germany; Greece; Hungary; Ireland; Israel; Japan; Jordan; Korea; Laos; Mediterranean; Mexico; Middle East; New Zealand; Okinawa; Rhodesia; Russia; South Africa; South Vietnam; Soviet Union; Thailand; United Kingdom; United States of America; Venezuela; Vietnam
People Anderson, John B; Ashbrook, John M; Cromer, 3rd Earl of; Ho Chi Minh; Humphrey, Hubert; Jackson, Henry; Kennedy, Edward Moore; Kennedy, Robert F; Lindsay, John; McCarthy, Eugene J; McCloskey, Paul N jnr; McGovern, George; Meany, George; Mills, Wilbur; Muskie, Edmund; Nixon, Richard M; Nol, Lon; Sadat, Muhammad Anwar Al; Truman, Harry S.; Tunney, John Varick; Wallace, George
Topics Agriculture; Aid; Arab; Arms; Balance of Payments; British Embassy; Census; Civil rights; Committee to Re-elect the President (CREEP); Communist; Congress; Crime; Defence; Democratic Party; Demonstrations; Department of State; Desegregation; Domino theory; Draft; Drugs; Economic policy; Economy; Education; Elections; Energy; Environment; foreign policy; Free trade; Gubernatorial; Health; Inflation; Irish Republican Army (IRA); Japanese; Lockheed; Military appropriations; Multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle (MIRV); North Atlantic Treaty Association (NATO); Oil; organisation; Payments; Pentagon; Poverty; Presidential candidates; Presidential Primaries; Protectionist; Race; Recession; Refugees; Republican Party; Senatorial; Shipping; Silent majority; Supreme Court; Tariffs; Taxation; Taxes; Terrorism; The Nine; Trade; Trade unions; troops; Unemployment; United Nations; Vice President; Vietnam War; Voting age; Warsaw Pact; Welfare; White House; withdrawal
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